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How to make a good first impression during a job interview

It's time! Applying has paid off and you have been invited by one of our clients for an interview. Good preparation is half the battle, but in the end you have to prove yourself in the actual conversation. Read here how to make a good impression on the person in front of you.

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1. Upon Entry
The selection starts as soon as you step into the organisation, so be aware of your attitude and approach towards the person receiving you. When entering, clearly state your name, that you are coming for a job interview and who you are having this interview with. It is possible that after your conversation the person who received you will be asked how you made your entrance. So you have to make a good impression on several people.

2. 'Take a seat'
You may have to wait a little longer and take a seat somewhere. Try to relax and see this moment as an opportunity to absorb the environment of the organization.

  • Sit up straight and assume an open posture. This way you make a confident and self-assured impression.
  • View the design and layout of the office. How is the interior? The decoration often says a lot about the type of organization.
  • When you see employees walking by, look at how they interact with each other. Do they greet each other and is there room for a chat or do they walk past each other?
  • If there are brochures or leaflets, you can browse them. This way you can quickly gain extra knowledge before you start the conversation and perhaps quote this information in the conversation.

3. First impression
As soon as someone comes to get you for the interview, you naturally want to make a good impression.

  • Stand up neatly, keep an open attitude and let the other person take the initiative.
  • Shaking hands is no longer an option for the time being. All the more important is eye contact, a friendly smile and verbal communication.
  • Have you spoken by phone before or have you had contact by email? Then refer to this to make an alert impression.
  • The eye contact, a smile, a greeting – and it's done. While you're probably still thinking about what to say, the other person has already formed an image of you. This imaging thus takes place in the first few minutes. Hard, but unfortunately true. Make the most of this moment!
  • While you walk to the room where the conversation is taking place, you have plenty of room to start a conversation. Show interest in the other person and make positive comments about, for example, the building, its location or the view. That's how you break the ice.

4. The Conversation
To get on the same wave of thoughts as your interlocutor, you can, for example, adopt the intonation and speaking speed of the person in front of you. This often happens unconsciously and ensures that both you and your conversation partner get the feeling that the conversation is running smoothly. You can also mirror certain attitudes of the person in front of you. Be careful not to overdo this. The person in front of you may feel uncomfortable or feel that they are not being taken seriously.

5. Ask questions
Before you know it, you're just answering questions during the conversation. Don't forget to ask questions yourself. This way you not only learn more about the position and the organization, but you also get a balanced conversation. You also appear interested to your conversation partner and you get the chance to direct the conversation yourself. Do you want to prepare yourself well? Don't forget to answer frequently asked questions for yourself. Check out this blog where these questions are discussed.

6. End of the conversation
When the conversation comes to an end, the next procedure will probably be discussed. If this does not happen, you can count on your consultant to discuss this with you shortly. After the conversation, the consultant is always in contact with the organization to discuss these types of topics. If the procedure is already known in advance, you will therefore also be informed about this in advance.

Sometimes you immediately get a first (unconscious) reaction from your conversation partner whether there is a second conversation. If that is the case and you are enthusiastic about the position, make this clear. Do not just ask for a response yourself, as this may appear uncertain.

Let your conversation partner take the initiative to end the conversation. Thank the person kindly for their time and the conversation. Rather say goodbye neutrally with, for example, 'goodbye' than with 'see you next time' or 'I hope for a second conversation'. Don't linger too long, because that can also come across as insecure.

When leaving the building, don't forget the person behind to say hello to the counter, provided it is present, of course. This person has been your first contact moment and this is also your last chance to make a good impression.

Do you have any questions about this blog? Please contact one of our branches . Our consultants are happy to talk to you!

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